There are thirteen frogs and toads in Oregon, and each makes its own unique sounds. In this guide, we’ll separate calls into four different groups: toads, true frogs, tailed frogs, and tree frogs. I have included a video for each call so you are able to see what each frog looks like in addition to hearing its sounds.
Perhaps the first thing to know is that if you hear a frog call, it’s most likely a male during breeding season. While frogs make other sounds, including alarm and territorial vocalizations, by far the most commonly heard are mating – also known as “advertisement” – calls.
In Oregon these sounds typically happen during the spring and summer months, though the exact timing depends on which region of the state you’re in, as well as altitude.
For more information on Oregon frogs and toads, check out the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s website. AmphibiaWeb also is comprehensive resource on all things frogs, and includes a species list for Oregon.
Read on to learn about the sounds of frogs and toads in Oregon.
Toad Calls
There are two true toads (Bufonidae family) and one spadefoot toad (Scaphiopodidae family) in Oregon. Toads are actually a type of frog, but their skin is bumpy and warty and usually dry, while frogs have moist and smooth skin. While many toads make “trills” of various lengths, others make chirps, peeps, and other sounds. Check out the sounds of toads below:
Woodhouse’s Toad
Western Toad
Great Basin Spadefoot
True Frog Sounds
There are seven true frogs in Oregon. These frogs are usually found in or near bodies of water. Their bodies are smooth and they have webbed feet, which allow them to thrive in aquatic habitats. This family of frogs, Ranidae, is one of the most widespread in the world, and there is a tremendous amount of variation among species and their calls.
Northern Red-legged Frog
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog
Cascades Frog
Oregon and Columbia Spotted Frogs
Northern Leopard Frog
Tree Frog Calls and Sounds
There is actually only one tree frog in the state of Oregon: the Pacific Treefrog, also known as the Pacific Chorus Frog. This species, like all tree frogs, has enlarged toe pads and a slender body that allow it to more easily scale bushes and trees. You can read more about its call below:
Pacific Chorus Frog
Tailed Frog Sounds
There are two types of tailed frogs in Oregon: the Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog and the Pacific Tailed Frog. These species are in the family Ascaphidae, and are set apart by their visible “tails”, which are actually the cloaca of the males. Interestingly, these frogs do not have mating calls.
There exists a wide variety of amphibians in Oregon, spread across the various ecosystems of the state. The calls of these creatures vary as much as their appearance, and they provide a melodious backdrop on many spring and summer evenings.